We offer a free, limited, on-site water analysis.

Knowing what's in your water is the first step to healthier, better tasting water.

Our free limited water analysis will test for many common minerals such as manganese, iron, calcium, and sulphur. It also measures Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) and pH (acidity/alkalinity) levels. These minerals can cause unpleasant odors and flavors, lower water heater performance and efficiency, and stain your sinks, toilets and tubs.

We will also give you a free estimate on the best way to address the unique needs of your water and your home.

Our free test is only the first step

Heavy metals such as radon, arsenic, and uranium can only be found through a comprehensive water analysis.

Our free, limited water analysis is a great first step, but it's not the last.

A comprehensive, certified lab test of your water can help identify the presence of radon, arsenic, uranium and other harmful elements.

Our fully-customized water conditioning systems can address and remove any heavy metal discovered by the comprehensive lab test.

Schedule Now

Getting your water tested is the first step to clean, delicious, safe water.

After you complete this form, we will get in touch witrh you as quickly as possible to set up a convenient time to come to your home, test your water, and discuss your options.

All estimates are free.